Another day, another community clean up!

Our volunteers spent the day cleaning up our community, filling bags of rubbish to be recycled and planting seeds to help local wildlife.

Making our community cleaner and greener is at the core of Getting Clean, it not only gives our volunteers a sense of purpose, but it also allows us to give back to our community and helps challenge stigma and change perception of addiction within society! Not only are we planting flower seeds, but we are sowing symbolic seeds of change, growth and hope.

If you want to get involved in the next litter pick, drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you

Get in touch








Image descriptions:

General notes. It is a sunny day, and the volunteers are wearing trousers and long sleeve tops, jackets, hoodies etc. Some volunteers are wearing shorts. They have high viz jackets on with the green Getting Clean logo on the front and back. Most of the images are action shots and volunteers are working rather than looking at the camera.

Images 1 & 2. A group of around dozen Getting Clean volunteers are litter picking along the side of the pavement in an urban area.  They are holding large rubbish sacks and litter picking grab sticks.

Image 3. Two volunteers are walking towards the camera, and they are both smiling. Large blue construction hoardings line both sides of the road. It is in an urban area with a train bridge in the background.

Image 4. Volunteers are working alongside the canal and there is a road bridge in the background. Two volunteers are looking at the camera while others are working behind them. The volunteers are smiling, and one is wearing strong rubber gloves that have soil on them.

Image 5. A close up of a hand is holding a collection of sunflower seeds, ready to be planted. There is grass, soil and a sampling in the background.

Image 6. Five volunteers work alongside a verge with small trees in the background. They are using large spades to dig the ground and there is a small black cart behind them carrying their tools.

Image 7. A volunteer is digging the ground with a large spade. There is another space in the background, wedged into the ground to stop it falling over while it’s not being used.

Image 8. The same volunteer is using a large dark green plastic watering can, to water the seeds they have just planted.


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