Getting Clean + ITV Calendar

Exciting news! ITV recently filmed one of our Soap with Hope making sessions for ITV News Calendar, showing what these workshops mean to our dedicated members, and how we can support our local community.

We believe in the transformative power of collaboration and creativity. Our soap is crafted in regular workshops where our members gather to create high-quality products while developing essential skills and fostering support among one another.

Each bar of soap we produce not only embodies the essence of craftsmanship but also represents a community-driven initiative. This unique process provides both social and therapeutic benefits, making our product truly "soap with hope."


All the proceeds from our sales are used to help us achieve our key objectives:

  • Support people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction
  • Creating a cleaner and greener local community
  • Provide our members with pathways to employment
  • Promote environmentalism and sustainability
  • Promote abstinence-based recovery
  • Change the public perception of addiction

Watch this space!

You won’t want to miss it!


Image Descriptions:

Cover - 2 members of the ITV team stand with a large camera and tripod, in amongst Getting Clean members at a soap making workshop.

Images 1-8. Series of photos of the 2 person film crew capturing the workshop. Selfie with Chris and the film crew and Chris working behind the camera.

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